eReset - fix firmware reset printer 100% toner

fix firmware reset printers 100% toner

Reset Xerox Phaser 3020 cartridge cip 0%

Pentru imprimantele Xerox Phaser 3020 care NU permit imprimarea rapoartelor datorita cipului epuizat  (ajuns la 0%)

1. Conecteaza imprimanta cu cablu USB
2. Acceseaza (copy+paste) link-ul de mai jos in browser Internet Explorer sau Microsoft Edge
(doar cu aceste browsere functioneaza)

Se deschide un programel care afiseaza seriile imprimantei pe ecranul calculatorului!
Plasati comanda rapida aici

Mai multe detalii resoftare Xerox Phaser 3020 aici

For Xerox Phaser 3020 printers that do NOT allow print reports, because the chip reached 0%.

1. Connect the printer to the usb
2. Access (copy&paste) link below on Internet Explorer browser (only with Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge works)

A program that displays the printer series on the computer screen opens!

Place quick order reset

More details about reset here



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