eReset - fix firmware reset printer 100% toner

fix firmware reset printers 100% toner

Reset CLX-3300/3303/3307/ 3305W 3305F 3305FW 3305FN

Scapa de cele 4 cipuri de pe cartuse prin resoftarea imprimantei!
Dupa resoftare contoarele (toner remaining) vor afisa permant 100%
Pentru crearea programului de resoftare al imprimantelor Samsung

CLX 3300 / CLX 3302 / CLX 3303 / CLX 3304 / CLX 3305
CLX 3305W / CLX 3307W / 
CLX 3305F / CLX 3305FW / CLX 3305FN
este necesar sa cunoastem seria imprimantei (SN) , seria CRUM si versiunea de firmware.

Aceste informatii pot fi aflate imprimand cele 2 rapoarte ale imprimantei :
Configuration    si Supplies Information 

Detalii resoftare

To create fix firmware reset for printers Samsung
CLX-3300/ CLX-3303 / CLX-3305 / CLX-3305W / CLX-3305FN / CLX-3305FW
necessary to know   printer series (SN)  ,  CRUM serie  si  versiunea de firmware  

This information can be found by printing the reports of the printer:
Configuration    and  Supplies Information 

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