eReset - fix firmware reset printer 100% toner

fix firmware reset printers 100% toner

TECH MODE SCX-3400 / SCX-3405 / SCX-3405W Print reports

If the printer NOT allows you to print the page (or the cartridge is at 0%)
quickly type the following key combination to print reports in TECH MODE

+ (plus) + (plus) STOP (minus) (minus) STOP STOP (displays) UC

Daca imprimanta nu permite imprimarea paginilor (sau cartusul a ajuns la 0%)
tastati rapid urmatoarea combinatie de taste pentru imprimarea rapoarteor in TECH MODE
+(plus) +(plus) STOP – (minus) – (minus) STOP STOP (afiseaza) UC
derulati cu +(plus) pana AA afiseaza pe ecranul imprimantei START START

Si la impresora no permite la impresión de páginas (o el cartucho ha llegado a 0%)
tecla combinación de teclas para imprimir los informes en TECH MODE

+ (Plus) + (plus) STOP – (menos) (menos) STOP STOP (pantallas) UC
pulsa la tecla hasta que aparezca en la pantalla de la impresora AA START START

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