To create fix firmware reset for printers Dell B1160W (same like M2022W)
need to know printer series (SN) CRUM serie
and firmware version
This information can be found by printing the reports of the printer:
Configuration and Supplies Information
1. Hold the button PRINT SCREEN / WPS (above the power button) for about 10 seconds until the LED flashes once then leave.
Print configuration report which appears SERIAL NUMBER and VERSION FIRMWARE
2. Hold button again PRINT SCREEN / WPS for approximately 15 seconds until the LED stay green, then leave. Print Supplies Information which appears CRUM series
Install fix firmware reset – internet explorer (same like M2022W)
After reset is necessary only refill toner cartridge
Video refill, disassembly, cleaning cartridge Dell B1160W
Firmware version available to reset |
Dell B1160 |
from 3.xx.01.00 – until 3.xx.01.03 |
Dell B1160W |
from 3.xx.01.00 – until 3.xx.01.09 |
Price 23 EUR / 25,6 $ |
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