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Resoftarea se face ușor și funcționează din prima.
Am rezolvat problema pe care o aveam cu un Xerox Workcentre 3025. Am primit softul si instructiunile pe mail. Totul a decurs foarte bine.
I have done business with ereset.com several times with satisfying services,
do not hesitate anymore to do business with ereset.com
results that talk
Perfect. It works. Now I only need to deinstall the counter chip from the cartbridges and refill them. GREAT!
The communication was swift and the service was excellent as well. Pleasant to work with.
It worked out OK, as described.
Just replaced the Yellow toner.
Printout is great.
It was such a good solution for our HP laser color 150nw. What’s more, really good instructions as well as so nice staff.
Fully recomended.
Octobre 2020, très bon service, tous les problèmes réglés, merci beaucoup.
HP 135a firmware fix works like a charm!
Cannot believe the lengths these guys went to, to help me with reset issues with my printer. Even went online and did a remote installation (on 23 December!!) after a power cut interrupted the install and froze the printer. OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE!! And, the reset worked. I now have an export model printer (bought when working in a different region) that can be used with replacement toner cartridges or refills. OUTSTANDING!!!
Prompt reply and fast service , received my reset file within few minutes…Happy to deal with erest team.
I recommend, recommend. The problem is solved very quickly. The printer works without problems.
Top Service 10 Stars 🙂 !!!!!
Consigliatissimo, avevo problemi con la mia stampante CLX-3305 e non si sono tirati indietro per fornirmi il supporto da remoto. Da apprezzare la disponiblita’ e professionalita’. Ovviamente la mia stampante ha ripreso funzionare senza problemi.
very quick and easy fix. RECOMENDED
Thank you
I downloaded and installed the firmware fix and it worked perfectly. It will save me lots of money on new toner cartridges. I am sure that when the printer told me the cartridge was empty in the past it would still have had around 75% toner in it. Now I can keep using it until it is actually empty.
my samsung 2070fw is work great thank you :9
Thank you very much for your intervention.
My CLX3180 printer is fully operational again, no more paratite messages. I was about to buy a new printer, you helped me a lot. Thank you, thank you very much.
Servicii de nota 10!
Funziona alla grande. Servizio ultra rapido, istruzioni chiare e veloci nel rispondere.
Lo consiglio senza pensarci
A fost foarte simplu. Cand am luat imprimanta si am intrebat daca are cip au rapuns ca nu are nici un fel de cip.
The firmware was not loaded, contacted via email, the problem was solved in a few hours. The printer works very well. Really efficient. Thank you.
Il firmware non veniva caricato, contattati via email il problema è stato risolto in poche ore. La stampante funziona benissimo. Veramente efficienti. Grazie.
Absolutely profesional work. Great knowledge about printers. 100% I recommend them.
I had a problem with my Samsung printer which didn’t accept even original Samsung toner cartridges anymore all at once. Helpdesk of Samsung and HP didn’t provide any solution. So the only Solution I found was a firmware update on the eReset page.
I entered the data, payed by paypal and received the fix immediately. The whole process was easy and there was a manual plus video tutorial how to do the upload.
Unfortunately, after doing all the steps, my printer didn’t restart and finally didn’t install the program.
I thought I had payed for nothing – but asked eReset for help.
I got immediate response! First they checked the given data. As this had been correct they offered to help solving the problem by logging into my computer via ultraviewer. We coordinated the time and then I contacted eReset. A nice gentleman named John logged into the computer – parallel we talked by phone. It took him nearly one hour to get the job done – they had to install a new firmware version and a new fix – finally it worked and I can now print with all my toner cartridges again that were not identified by the printer before.
This was an excellent service that deserved rather 6 stars, if this rating existed. By the way this help came with no extra cost for me!!!
John was very patient and professional and took all the steps until the problem got solved !
I thank John an eReset for their extraordinary effort and commitment.
I can recommend eReset 100% and wish them all the best! Great Job 👍 👍👍. Thank you very much!
I got a quick response from these guys. The fix ran without any hassles!
For years I used third-party toners in my Samsung Xpress M2070 FW printer. Suddenly my printer gave error messages like incompatible toners and refused to print. All toners were 100% full”. Ordered reset firmware at eReset.com and the next day my printer was up and running again. A new cartilage from Samsung is unreasonably expensive. Refilling by myself is much cheaper and more environmentally friendly. They have taken care of me since the first email I sent them, they have removed any doubt I had. They have been very professional. For my part, as a 100% satisfied customer, I absolutely recommend their services
What a service, 3hr, not a slightest attempt to charge me more. Johnny worked full on for me to fix my printer Samsung M2835 . Communication is good. Would recommend to friends!
It all worked perfectly and thanks to eRESET I can finally refill my cartridges without the need to buy new one or buy the chip to rest the toner.
The support was direct and helpful, fast response as well.
December 2020
My printer turn its back on me suddenly.
Ereset team help me fix the problem in a very quick turnaround time.
Great service. Real pros!
Do not hesitate to contact them.
Really easy with the tutorial on YouTube.
Printer cartridge industry is among the most exploitative ones, so this service by eRESET is much appreciated.
Servicii de calitate! Seriozitate si promptitudine! Recomand!
Communication with these guys was prompt with immediate offer of support. Their reaction upon receiving payment was also quick. Fix firmware was created and packed in a zip folder with fool-proof instructions and there’s a youtube tutorial made in real time so there’s really no room for error.
Thanks guys, great job!
La inceput eram sceptic si ma gandeam ca a fi vreo teapa tipic romaneasca, dar am ramas surprins de rezultat.
Wow! Imprimanta poate sa functioneze la fel de normal si fara amaratul ala de cip de pe cartus care cost cat jumatate cartusul!
less than 10 minutes last in sending me the fixed dirm.
Excellent work done on my printer
Samsung printer Xpress SL-S430W fix works like a charm. Done elegantly and super easy. Easy and quick to communicate with. ERestet also helped me to troubleshoot (over Skype) other problems that I had with the printer.
Totul a decurs perfect și rapid
RECOMAND!!!!! Am scapat de problema la HP107A. Niste jegosi astia de la HP, sa ceara pe un cartus aproape jumatate din pretul imprimantei. La nici 400 pagini printate, imi afisa ca mai am 10% din cartus. Multumesc eReset, merita 60 lei resoftarea!
Multumesc pt serviciile dvs.! Nota 10
I used software from eReset to fix my Xerox Phaser 3320 printer. Software works very well. Service was excellent, even when I gave a piece of wrong information. Fast response, accurate instructions, even late in the evening, outside working hours. 5 stars because they deserve it.
Functioneaza perfect !
Documentatie usor de parcurs si la obiect.
Livrare rapida.
Un model bun de urmat.
Best Recommendation for eReset! With the Patch my Printer runs wonderfully, even the German Language Attitude as well as the Network Attitude remained. Again connected to my Router, everything works wonderfully and I can fully exploit the Toner Cartridge and refill. This not only saves a lot of Money, but also protects the Environment. eReset, you are the Best and you have earned more than 100 Stars !!!
Very fast responding! Professional job!
I recomended!!!
All’inizio ero scettico, ma disperato dalla situazione e incoraggiato dal costo dell’operazione ho voluto provarci lo stesso. Sono rimasto stupito e felice quando la mia stampate ha iniziato a riconoscere tutte le cartucce che le propinavo!!! FANTASTICO! Consigliatissimo!!!
Stampante samsung m2885fw
Very good and fast.
Servicii de calitate superioara!
Am primit documentația si softul, conform descrierii de site.
Mulțumesc frumos pentru ajutor!
Recomand cu toată încrederea!
I have used this on several printers and they work as advertised… thanks….. i do recommend them….
Super profesioniști! Am primit asistență de maximă calitate. Recomand!
Simple, quick and very professional.
I made order, within 3 minutes got confirmation email. Paid through paypal. After receiving file the printer was ready again working perfect without tonner chip. This was Fast service! Thankyou for your solution!
Absolutely profesional work. 100% I recommend them.
Totul este ok. Multumesc.
Really perfect software. All goes great after installation.
You can really trust this company. It has actively solved all the problems that arise during firmware installation. I am Korean, but if I have another opportunity like this, I will leave it to this company again
Excelente servicio y muy buena atención, de lo mejor encontrado. De mucha confianza y mucha responsabilidad.
Altamente recomendado: Guerrero, Mexico
I purchase reset toner firmware for Xerox WC 3220 and everything works fine. Communication with ereset is excellent and explanation how to done reset too.
Fast response, and very nice experience.
1. I read good reviews about your results in solving the Samsung printer/toner counter issue.
Also that it was an easy fix from home.
2. I did not see or read any negative reviews about eReset.
From what I read from other people is that they were happy with the results.
Excellent service and support with any inquiry at any time , this page have all my trustly ,
regards from mexico!
All okay, this is the best !
Printer fixed. Everything run OK
Totul transparent, mega eficient. Incantat!
Instead of throwing away my printer. This method helped in literally minutes. Thanks for bringing my Samsung printer back.
Amabil, prompt, clar. Recomand. Dacă aveți ceva și pentru card să pot scoate bani pănâ mă satur, să nu am limite nici acolo, aștept …
perfect. Works like charm.
Very pleased : professional A+++++++
Excellent service support …
Website :gives you answords to the most questions i had …
Recommended by Belgian Client …
Actiune finalizata cu succes pe un XEROX 3020! E drept cu putin ajutor nefiind perfect adaptat tutotialul la acest tip de imprimanta. DAR ajutor telefonic oferit foarte promt si exact. RECOMAND achizitia si folosirea serviciilor de aici.
Thank you ereset-team! Your work is really impressive and I can recommend everybody having troubles with using non-original toners to let this team work out a solution! I was sceptical too, but it really is worth the money. Quick response, fast delivery of software and instructions, even all time opportunity to get help in case something did not work during the reset process. Trustful service team here! Don’t bother contacting them with you problem! You will be amazed how professional they do their thing 🙂
For years I use third-party toners in my Samsung CLX-3185 FW printer. Suddenly, after a printer installation on an iMac the printer gave error messages like uncompatible toners and refused to print. All toners were „0% full”.
Ordered reset firmware at eReset.com and the next day my printer was up and running again.
One tip: instead of putting tape on the toner chips I put tape on the connectors in the front door. No need to apply the tape again when an empty cartidge has to be replaced.
Profesionisti. Felicitari!
Es hat alles super geklappt. Erstklassiger Service. Probleme bei der Programmierung der Firmware wurden in kürzster Zeit behoben, die Anwirtzeiten auf E-Mail war fast in Echtzeit! Ganz grosses Lob.
excelente servicio y atención, perfecto el resultado
First I would like to compliment how fast and amazing support is, I had an issue with firmware uploading but it was solved in the minutes. I own the Samsung CLP 365W and one advice I have for all guys wanting to buy this firmware flash you should go for it ! also the black toner code you sent to support team must be present while flashing the printer, it was like that in my case. Overall I am glad I PP Ereset.com and whatever i need in future I would go with them. For those with Samsung printer, there are 100% Samsung bundle 4 toners BCMY genuine toner on https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E4F1EMK/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
bundle cost about 75$ note it is made for U.S.A and will not work in Europe or anywhere else without ereset.com firmware. Wish you all good luck and once again thank you ereset for making this possible!
A new cartilage from Samsung is unreasonably expensive. Refilling by myself is much cheaper and more environmentally friendly.
Comprehensive guidance in website and youtube, quick response (email & online chat), make me feel confident.
Dupa cateva incercari nereusite de a-mi repara imprimanta la alte unitatei service, am ajuns la „ereset”. Ei au putut-o repara. A durat ceva pana s-a gasit o solutie, da’ n-au renuntat.
Au fost amabili, receptivi si instructiunile primite au fost foarte clare.
Instrucțiuni clare, funcționează perfect softul.
I am a happy customer.
For the expensive 1800 pages toner cartridge of my Samsung M2070FW, the printer decided after 790 pages that printing from the cartridge was over, it showed 0% available, a red LED, and refused to do anything until I changed the cartridge.
But when I went to the printer’s Tech Mode menu to print a status report, the printout came nicely printed from the same ‘empty’ cartridge!
I had enough. I put an order to ereset and two hours later I had the required files. The response was quick, the videos were useful and actually matched exactly the printer’s behavior, the instructions were detailed and correct. I reset the printer in less than 15 minutes.
Now that I have reset the printer, the same ‘empty’ toner cartridge shows a green LED and I have printed with it so far another 60 pages and it keeps printing more. I don’t know how much more it will last, but I know that I can use it until there is no toner left in it, not until when HP decides that they want more money from me.
I am so pleased that now I can use alternative toners, I can refill existing ones if I want, and I am not locked to HP/Samsung’s extortion any more.
Thank you ereset!
Works well, little expensive then other websites but here you will have Whatsapp and other live support for help.
Go for it. Thanks.
eReset walked the extra mile and even connected remotely to sort out the situation to get the CRUM number.
My printer got stuck in a „empty” toner situation ( even though 62% toner was remaining of the original Samsung toner) Due to the bug, it was not possible to print any supply information and also connecting with a special printer SW to check the configuration over the USB cable just reported a blank CRUM number.
I send my motherboard to their lab to do the FW downgrade, and then with the original SW we managed to get the CRUM number, and then it was quick to get a new fix firmware.
VERY impressed with the service, as we have been chatting for over a month due to the time of postal service through Europe. I always got quick responses and good help all the way.
Sending your motherboard to someone unknown, and even letting someone connect remotely to your computer might scare people off. I am happy i trusted eReset!!
I installed reset firmware in my SCX-3200 printer and problem red light disappeared; now everything works correctly.
Excellent support.
Good n quick response from customer service, I have just reset Samsung printer without any hassle and it works perfectly without a chip.
PERFEKT! Related Printer: Samsung 365W: I had Problems resetting Counters of tranfer-unit & fuser. So eRESET went online and fixed the Problems. This is „Service beyond perfection”!
reset printer
ereset.com is a very helpful site. the staff guide me step by step in order to make my hp 107a printer to work again! i surely recommend to everyone else who wants to make his printer work again.
Perfetto e veloce nelle risposte. Consigliato A+++++
Răspuns prompt la solicitare.Primit softul pt resoftare imprimanta .funcționat perfect.recomand serviciile lor.
Excellent service, bulletproof choise. Reduces the cost of the printer more than 70%.
My printer is attached to a Chromebook, so I could not download the required files. eReset came up with a workaround using a VERY old PC I had in a closet. eReset also contacted me and walked me through the process. Finally, I was able to get a printed report.
Excellent and diligent work on their part.
barang bagus ,berfungsi dengan baik
I recently did this for my two printers, and feeling very happy now.
Firmware reset was so easy to do because of all tutorial videos and guides.
No more new cartridges, image drums and counter chips, all I need now is cleaning, and powder refilling.
This is the best solution for me.
Thanks to ereset.
Nedavno sam to napravio za svoja dva printera, i sad sam sretan.
Reset firware-a je bio jako jednostavan zbog svih tutoriala i vodiča.
Više ne trebam nove tonere, bubnjeve i čipove, sve što mi je sada potrebno je
čišćenje i punjenje praha.
Za mene je ovo najbolje rješenje.
Hvala eresetu.
Awesome, perfect my printer become to working again. Like new. Thank you so much.
muy recomendado eh echo varios resets de varios modelos con ellos y todos an sido exitosos
Great Job! They solve my problem with my Xerox WorkCentre 3225! Now is perfect !
Very easy to make order and very fast the reply with the instructions!
Very good job!
I’m a happy costumer
Ciao from Italy
reset du firmware CLX3185FW Samsung
simple et efficace ,sérieux.
Merci à toute l’équipe.
Am resetat un HP135 la sediu si un Samsung 2070F remote și nu am avut nici o problemă cu ele.
Hell yeah! It worked!
Within 2 hours I had back a working printer.
Excellent customer service and expertise. I would recommend eReset to all my friends in need of their services.
perfectly working, fast assistance, the definitive solution, thank you
Tried multiple solutions to repair „out of toner” errors with new factory toner installed on Samsung CLX-3175FW. Tried the chips, tried the grounding pin on chio, nothing worked for me. Tried eRESET and worked perfectly first try. Page counts on all colors 100% and printer light is now green.
Thanks for getting our REFILL right back!
Quick response. Clear instructions. New firmware loaded smoothly and printer is working again.
Funcționează perfect. Samsung Xpress C460W.
Totul a decurs peste asteptari. Rapid, simplu, la obiect. Cu siguranta voi mai reveni.
I’ve tried 1st cartridge with chip, but my printer don’t recognise it, so instead of trying several toner vendors, I’ve found this solution of removing chip control on the printer.
Fast delivery, works great, now my CLP-320 works again
perfect support …all works fine
Worked perfect no problem. My printer work perfect with non Samsung toner. Thanks again
Excellent firmware update & helpful seller.
Would recommend eReset.
It worked nicely!! Super fast and super easy! The price is fair. Really, worth the try.
It works for the latest version of Samsung as well. The price is fair. It was done really fast 🙂 Thank you
My husband fixed our home printer and I just fixed my work computer. This will save me HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS. I would highly recomment!
I was skeptical, but it works like a charm.
Already all ok for my Xpress M2070 , thank you very much
finalmente senza più problemi con le cartucce compatibili che a volte andavano a volte no.
Ora la stampante non segnala più Cartucce errate o esaurite
great professionals, thanks for the assistance and solving the problem of the printer, it was a pleasure to work with you.
I confess I was a bit skeptical and I went through 2 different antiviruses before installing.
But everything worked perfectly and safely.
Not only I saved a lot of money (>150€) but also have saved the environment. I hate planned obsolescence of printer supplies!
The best
On Saturday order and paid, on Sunday carried out. Fast and perfect! According sent instruction very easy to do it. Used for printer Samsung M2026W. Recommend!
Sunt foarte mulțumit!, promptitudine maximă. Recomand
This program work so perfect in my samsung M2885FW. I very recommend to all user to visit ereset . It make our printer ao simple
Reset of Samsung M2026, worked perfectly, thank You for the support and easy fix. Great customer support!
Profesionisti. Multumesc pentru serviciile dvs.
Amazing service.
To be honest I was hesitant to waste time and try if eReset works. I bought the upgrade, downloaded the file, hit run and nothing happened!
I sent them an email and the service was amazing they replied to the email, followed up via whatsapp and logged remotely to resolve the issue. The problem was that my printer was not setup correctly, they did the correct setup and reset the firmware… the cherry on top was I asked him for the original printer software manager and he helped me set it up, not only that I had another issue with the paper jam and he requested to switch to video so he could support and voila all my problems are resolved.
Thank you eReset. Job well done
100% working
100% trusted
Excelent service. Everything was clear and fast.
Very fast, very correct and perfect
Foarte mulțumit Recomand cu încredere
Promptitudine, seriozitate , simplitate!
I purchase reset toner firmware for Samsung SL-M2026W and everything works fine. Communication with ereset is excellent and explanation how to done reset too.
Fast response, and very nice experience.
Comunicare excelenta. Instructiuni clare. Resoftare fara probleme. Pret/Calitate, in avantajul clientului! Recomand si achizitionarea unui cartus compatibil direct de la firma. Livrarea e cvasi-instantanee – prin Cargus.
Serviciu facut foarte repede, functioneaza perfect.
Felicitări pentru prestație! Recomand!
All works quick and fine. It took ca 2-3 hours from order to get my printer work again.
Stucked with samsung m2825nd cant print due to toner chip problem. Thanks to eReset that i can reset and used it perfectly again. AAA for service.
fast and reliable, recommend
Extrem de prompti si de simplu a fost toata resoftarea. Cu toate ca era dupa ora 17.00,baietii s-au miscat rapid. Dupa plata serviciului prin paypal am primit programul arhivat in cateva minute. Mai greu a fost sa downladez fisierul arhivat in computer din pricina smartfilterului activ, decat resoftarea imprimantei.
Cu ceva ani in urma am mai resoftat un samsung si la fel nu am intampinat probleme. Imprimanta aceea resoftata merge si azi. Merci baieti
I can reset my samsung 2825ND without any kind of problem. It’s OK..
These guys are amazing my printer stopped working and according to Samsung I needed to purchase genuine toners not the compatible one, I paid €13 with a bit of doubt through PayPal thinking they might take my money and do nothing, but Eresets just simply emailed me a software that fixed all the issue, my monthly cost of tone is reduced by 50%, highly recommend
Very quick service, very helpful support and excellent product. Works perfectly. Keen price. Couldn’t ask for more.
Worked perfectly. Many thanks!
I had printer main board replaced because of the same problem last time and it costed more. Not it appeared again and I was considering throwing the printer away, but this patch helped! It prints just fine 🙂 Simple and fast fix. Thanks!
j’ai demandé, par email, la modification d’une HP Color Laser MFP 178nw en fournissant les infos demandés.
La réponse a été très rapide et après le paiement, j’ai reçu un email avec des instructions très claires pour modifié le firmware.
Et ça marche !!!
Pour info, on peut même revenir au firmware d’origine si besoin.
Je recommande ce site.
Great fix. Worked really well and simple to install. Did the job as advertised and managed to reset all of the counters on my Samsung C430W printer. Thank you!
Aș da 6 stele ptr. rapiditatea soluționării. În mai puțin de 5 minute de la comandă am primit mail cu instrucțiunile de plată iar după ce am trimis pe mail chitanța cu care am achitat, in 3-4 minute am primit un link de download a programului de resetare și instrucțiunile. Resoftarea a decurs repede, 2-3 minute ptr. fiecare eetapă. Mulțumiri ereset! Xerox Phaser 3020
Great partner! Truly recomand working with eReset team!
Very good excellent .. cost savings up to 80%
I purchased the reasonably priced ereset software via paypal for my samsung laser printer CLP-415NW. The software was sent very quickly to my email account. I had difficulties understanding how to open the files and follow the instructions they gave me so I contacted them via email and they responded immediately by doing it for me over the internet. My printer works and prints fine and now I don’t have to buy expensive printer cartridges and can simply purchase refills and do it myself at over half the price! Thanks ereset!
I bought a reset for my samsung M2070W.
It all worked perfectly and thanks to them I can finally stop wasting still-usable cartridges.
The support was very kind and helpful, answering each mail I sent.
Un service professionnel et rapide. Le tutoriel et très bien fait. Et le plu important, c’est que mon imprimante 288x de Samsung fonctionne comm neu. Pour les sceptiques, je recommande Ereset.com
My CLX-3185FN did not recognized the original Samsung Toner.
Now is this Problem satisfactory dissolved.
Quick response and good communication.
I Will always recommend this solution.
The function and the service is really great, and the instalation is very easy. I´m very complished with this solution.
I bought the software for a Samsung C480FW and it worked like a charm. Much more easier that I imagine. I don´t know yet how much more impressions will I be able to do, but I’m sure this software is worth its price.
In 10 ani de activitate am avut mai multi colaboratori in domeniul resoftarilor dar am decis sa lucrez cu cei care ofer cel mai bun raport pret/calitate.
Cuvantul cel mai potrivit pentru echipa :profesionisti!
Acum un an am cumparat un firmware pentru resetarea unei imprimante Samsung CLP-365 si acuma imprimanta i-mi zicea ca nu mai recunoaste cartusele, am vorbit cu ei si in 15 min. mi-au rezolvat problema fara costuri suplimentare. Recomand cu incredere!!!
Do not hessite for a second buying from them. Absolutely first class service. I had major issues trying to install. They soon sorted it by remote installation. 100% guaranteed service. Five star *****
Thanks to the ereset team for your assistance my samsung xpress M2885FW is now working again after 6 months, the team does not deserve a 5 star it deserves a million stars.
thanks a lot guys.
Grazie per aver risolto il problema, siete fantastici veloci e chiari nei dettagli.
Meritate 5 STELLE
Works Perfectly on my Samsung CLP-415NW.
EReset where Very fast, professional, and the process was seamless. My printer now shows 100% for all toners. I know there is a lot of toner left in the cartridges and I was frustrated with throwing out perfectly good toner. No more! The new firmware worked a treat!. I am very happy. Thank you!
„Very good solution.
Good instructions, step up step.
Every recommendation !!!!” – that is what Agim V. wrote here, and I agree 100 %.
Totul a fost ok. Multumesc pentru ajutor. Functioneaza perfect. Recomand pentru seriozitatea si promptitudinea cu care am colaborat.
It does what it promises, excellent service, highly recommended.
Was a bit sceptical at first. Then decided to try it. Then it didn’t seem to work at first but that was my fault! I hadn’t followed instructions properly. Once I did it properly it worked like a charm!! Thanks for this great service. Also good communication as well.
Todo perfecto, muy rápidos y perfectamente explicado. Los recomiendo sin dudar
initially i hesitate to upgrade firmware here because the price is cheap enough for long term usage. After the upgrade, nothing seems to worry about. The program works really well.
Amabilitate si profesionalism ! Recomand !
Very pleased , good service ,fast and easy to do.
Recommended A+
Excelente atención y funciona a la perfección, totalmente recomendable.
Fiindca imi brick-uisem imprimanta, mi-a intrat prin Teamviewer, pe calculatorul meu, la care era conectata imprimanta, pe cablu USB, si mi-a re-softat-o si mi-a facut-o in asa fel, sa-mi pot incarca eu, de mai multe ori, acelasi cartus, plus ca acum, suporta cartuse care imprima mult mai multe pagini, decat alte cartuse.
Deci, SUPER multumit, i-am achitat si, in maxim un sfert de ora totul s-a rezolvat, fara sa trimit imprimanta la ei, sau sa vina vreun tehnician, la mine acasa!
It is a very good frimware.
Süper!!!Thank you very much to all.My Samsung Printer m2875fd works fine :))
Good work and rapid delivery and professionnel stuff
I love you romania
Iam from morocco i will give you more than 5 star
Excellent Service, it took 3 minutes to fully unlock my printer, and now everything works perfectly fine, printer still prints even if toners shows that are empty,
Extrem de rapid rezolvata problema.
I made a purchase for the my HP Laser MFP 135w Laser that was having an error after toner change. The ‘eReset’ team helped all along the procedure and answered all my queries timely. I highly recommend these guys for problems related to Printers.
Very good! Helpful and fast! I can only recommend!
Hi. Everything is OK! My printer is working without chip! Thanks a lot eReset
Greetings from Mexico.
He reseteado una Samsung clx-3185 y todo perfecto. Ahora utilizo tóner compatibles sin ningún problema. Muy contento con el trato recibido. Vendedor rápido, muy comunicativo y todo muy bien explicado.
Great software and support. Had put the wrong info In at first but support quickly found the Issue and got me back on track. Highly recommended.
You can really trust this company. It has actively solved all the problems that arise during firmware installation. I am Korean, but if I have another opportunity like this, I will leave it to this company again
A funcționat foarte bine softul pe care l-ati transmis.
Am fost foarte mulțumit.
Mulțumesc mult
Perfect firmware update & helpful Seller
I absolutely recommend eReset!
Some problem to begin with, but they provide support and new version that works great!
Samsung M2875DW with firmware version v3.00.01.38, now reports full toner and imager.
Mon imprimante Xerox 3225 était bloqué et ne voulais plus accepter de nouveau toner. Les techniciens de chez Xerox ne savait pas quoi faire et voulait me changer ma carte mère. Avec cette méthode tous est rentré dans l’ordre. Je recommande.
All I can say is these guys are awesome. If you are doubting them judt trust us who are writing reviews because of the excellent service.
Frim South Africa
rapid si serios !
Sunteti cei mai tari ! Multumesc ca mi-ati salvat imprimanta !
Great program I had problem installing it they went on line and fixed it. Great support and fast service.
Investitia isi merita fiecare banut.
Mi-am scos investitia din prima reincarcare fara a fi nevoit sa schimb cipul!
1.The reason for the firmware update is to be able to use all of the ink present in the cartridges, to replace them less often.
2.After searching the net, I found your site with good notices. And also with positive feedback from other users. thank you
Multumesc pt serviciile dvs.! Nota 10
Amazing service and very helpfull instructions.
Thank you very much for your service.
De nota 10. Fara nicio ezitare 🙂
Am cumparat acum cateva luni o imprimanta Xerox B215 si cand tonerul din cartridge-ul original s-a terminat, in loc sa cumpar un cartridge nou, destul de scump, am optat pentru serviciile ereset pentru a refolosi cartridge-ul original la un pret mult mai avantajos.
Software-ul de resetare cip a functionat impecabil urmand toate instructiunile. Cartridge-ul l-am umplut cu toner achizitionat tot de la firma ereset.
Dupa toate operatiunile, imprimanta se comporta foarte bine si imprima la fel ca inainte.
Livrare prompta si rapida! Sunt foarte multumit!
Great service. I can only recommend this company. Friendly and competent.
I can absolutely recommend eRESET services. I had to fix firmware for my Xerox WorkCentre 3225. After the order, 5 minutes later, job is done. You get everything you need with foolproof guide.
todo perfecto, una asistencia impecable, me han resulto el problema, personal muy serio, lo aconsejo 100%.
All Ok!
It worked like in the video of youtube
The boys from eReset find special solution for specific case for us. Thank you for that. And we recomend choose this company to upgrade your printer.
Recomand !!!
Resoftare imprimanta Samsung M2070.
Am facut plata cu paypal si imediat mi-a trimis detaliile pentru resoftare.
Totul a decurs foarte repede si simplu.
De acum doar reincarc tonerul.
Great team!! All resets work fine. Fast response. Great support!!! If reset doesn’t work, or you can’t apply it by yourself, than support will help you remotely. All 5 stars!!!
Cu toții apreciem soluţiile bine gândite și de aceea, vă transmit un mesaj de apreciere.
Mulțumesc pentru ajutorul oferi și pentru eforturile zilnice!
Servicii de nota 10. Promt si la obiect fara discutii inutile. Am facut plata on line si in cateva ore am primit soft-ul cu toate instructiunile si suport tehnic prin telefon daca este cazul. Nu a fost. Felicitari eRESET!
Great service.
I got the email with the download link of the patched firmware within 10 minutes after payment with PayPal.
Instructions are clear and easy, just connect printer to PC using USB.
After 5 minutes, it is done – toner and imaging unit are now reset on every restart of the printer.
Does not apply to the other supplies / consumables, though. Here, the counter still increases…
am luat de aici un firmware pentru un xerox wc 3025 si a mers excelent. recomand!
1. I was stuck sine my printer didn’t worked and didnt have solution local to fix printer.
2. I googled for bad reviews and experianc but could not find any.
So i give a try. Price was fair to try.
I found your site with google and the possibility of payment with paypal decided my choice.
Foarte prompt….multumit de rezultat!
Great service! I had a special case and needed seperate firmware reset. ereset provied indiviual help. Everything worked fine. Printer works again.
Work exellent!! My recommendation!!
My printer work perfect with non Samsung toner. Rapid and very goog services. Thank you. Regards
Un trabajo excelente. Ahora si puedo exprimir los toners al máximo y no tenerlos que dejar a medias . Además, ya no hay ningún problema con la compatibilidad del chip de los toner (no lo necesita).
Lo dicho, un gran trabajo. La pena es no haberlo hecho antes.
Awesome solutions no more worries that my supplier of toners will not delivered on time. Guide was easy to follow with videos, as long as you follow the instructions you can’t go wrong.Thank you so much eReset.
Very nice, work great. Easy install and very responsive support.
Perfect service! All worked perfect!
Great service ! My broken Xerox B215 motherboard was repaired quickly. And it was lightning fast and cheap.
Am reușit imediat. Funcționează perfect.
Excelente atención (Excellent attention), Muy Rápidos en contestar (Very quick to answer), Fácil de pagar (Easy to pay), Instrucciones claras y precisas (Clear and precise instructions), Cuando los necesite volveré a comprar (When you need them, you will buy again), Desde JALISCO, MEXICO Saludos (From JALISCO, MEXICO Greetings)
Very professional service..My recommendations..
Musím velmi pochválit, na youtube jsem nalezl odkaz na ereset.com. Nový firmware do tiskárny jsem koupil za cenu repliky tonery. Instalace jednoduchá, o záruku jsem nepřišel (součástí byl i originální firmware pro případ reklamace) a nyní tisknu z cartridge bez čipu. Takže jsem si koupil tonerový prášek a v klidu můžu doplňovat.
Thank you very much, the instalation was very easy and now I can print from cartridge without chip. The price was the same like new non-original toner. So from now I will save the money by refilling a toner powder.
absolutely spot on, fixed the printer perfect.
For years I use third-party toners in my Samsung CLX-3185 FW printer. Suddenly, after a printer installation on an iMac the printer gave error messages like uncompatible toners and refused to print. All toners were „0% full”.
Ordered reset firmware at eReset.com and the next day my printer was up and running again.
One tip: instead of putting tape on the toner chips I put tape on the connectors in the front door. No need to apply the tape again when an empty cartidge has to be replaced.
Honestly didn’t think this would work. But it really does!
As always – make sure you don’t just run software from the internet and if you do, make sure it’s a disposable installation which is airgapped from your home/corp network etc. Also ringfenced from the internet and monitoring my printer just to be sure there’s no fishy traffic, but nothing so far!
Great reset tool !!! Asbolutli profesionnal
Ever since I started buying ressetors for my customers, these have been so wonderful and very helpful if at all i fail to do the job on my own. The provide excellent service with remote service at no additional fee. I mean they are wonderful and very understanding. I would like to urge you all not to hestate doing buiness with this company as they are very efficient and reliable. I personally assure you of excellent service. They don’t take long in responding to your queries at all times. I am now three doing business with them but since I started they have never disappointed me and my customers.
Thanks so much for your support erest.
super pour s’affranchir du système de puces sur les cartouches, et permettre le remplissage au lieu du changement. Un plus pour l’écologie
Wouah !!! Fantastique, mon imprimante fonctionne à nouveau grâce à ereset ! Rapide, efficace ! Je recommande.
Merci beaucoup !
So simple like a piece of cake to work on this upgrade. It simply WORKED and what else? Got rid of the chip thing. Thanx to ereset.
Very helpful team : after I reported unexpected problems, they connected with my computer and remotely installed the software. I’ll purchase their software for another printer.
Excelente servicio! Instalación rápida y muy fácil. Ahora puedo aprovechar al 100×100 el toner de mi Samsung M2070W.
Ir workshop perfecto
Thanks you
5+5=10 stars from me.
This was my second order: Samsung SL-M3375FD
(first order: Samsung SCX-3405FW about 5 years ago)
I highly recommend this firmware in order to take full advantage of your printer’s toner capacity, because as you might have found out the toner chip is always cheating-a lot!
The installation of the firmware was very easy, took me about 5 minutes, and I also got help via email (before the installation I could not unzip the files sent to me because I used winrar 4.00, I installed winrar 5.60 and it worked fine).
**After printing 1029 pages (my avatar pic), which is about 33% of the „3000” starter toner cartridge, „supplies info” report said Life remaining is 42% (instead of 66%!) meaning 1029 pages is 58% lol –> 1029/0.58=1774 pages total toner capacity instead of 3000!!
What a cheating chip!! OMG :-O
So now we are at 100% toner cartridge and 100% imaging unit until the printer leaves this world 🙂
Now it’s all about the printer’s reliability, because it will have quite some work to do!
*In the past I had ordered the reset firmware for a Samsung SCX-3405FW that I still have because it was very expensive to run with its small toner („1.5k” pages, meaning about 800 pages) and was very happy with the savings in cost all these years, after printing 10.000+pages, so I did not hesitate at all this time.
Hope it helps someone.
Thank you to the eReset people for their incredible work and great prices. You are amazing 🙂
Send me the information you requested and they answered me super fast! Then I made the payment and instantly they sent me the files for the reset. It worked perfect and it was very easy to do it! thank you very much !
best service. Instructions are just great and everything works well. I recommend.
Pentru ca am o imprimanta cu firmware mai nou, am fost nevoit sa o trimit la ei prin curier. Am fost sceptic la inceput, dar totul s-a desfasurat intr-un mod profesionist, asa cum ar trebui sa fie :-). Multumesc.
Procedura molto semplice e veloce.
Pagato con paypal e in meno di 2 ore mi è arrivata la procedura con il firmware modificato.
Ora la mia samsung multifunzione non mi da più errore del toner scarso che mi bloccava la stampa.
Posso così sfruttare il mio toner fino alla fine con un bel risparmio.
Grateful for the help. There was a problem and he was available to help, get in touch, connect to the computer and solve it. Thanks a lot for the help.
Every recommendation for person (or group) behind this page, you are doing great job and thank you for saving my money.
Fast reply, support out of work time in my case.
Price of your work is funny low when you look at very expensive chips for these models, in some color cases its cheaper than one set of chips.
You dont need to be tehnician, every person who can read can do this reset job done in few minutes.
Wish you all the best!
More than perfect… GREAT..!
Very quick, friendly, effective, easy to understand. A smooth process for a wonderfull solution.
Thank you..!!!
Very good solution.
Good instructions, step up step.
Every recommendation !!!!
Super service, sunt deosebit de multumit. Imprimanta Samsung funtioneasa din nou si pot in sfarsit sa economisesc toner.
Multumesc mult
Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit sen Service. Mein Samsung pclp 620 funktionier wieder und kann endlich auch geld sparen bei kauf von Toner. Vielen Dank.
Very good service. Fast answers even at night and I got a quick solution when I realized I made a mistake in the form.
Will use again.
Resetsoftware that works (period). Great service, and fast communication. Software easy to install, just following their instruction.
Can absolute be recommended.
Best regards – Carsten from Denmark
Very easy to do it with a perfect and fast service.
Well done!
Rapide et efficace , Merci 🙂
Fast answer at inquiry. The provided software fixed my issues with my Samsung printer and after the update it worked fine. Can recommend this company.
Ho risolto i miei problemi con Xerox 3225, ottimo prodotto e facile da utilizzare.
Musím velmi pochválit, na youtube jsem nalezl odkaz na ereset.com. Nový firmware do tiskárny jsem koupil za cenu repliky tonery. Instalace jednoduchá, o záruku jsem nepřišel (součástí byl i originální firmware pro případ reklamace) a nyní tisknu z cartridge bez čipu. Takže jsem si koupil tonerový prášek a v klidu můžu doplňovat.
Thank you very much, the instalation was very easy and now I can print from cartridge without chip. The price was the same like new non-original toner. So from now I will save the money by refilling a toner powder.
Recomand!!! Folositi cu incredere, sigur veti avea doar de castigat.
Resoftat HP MFP 178nw. Totul a decurs foarte rapid si cu indicatii foarte clare si usor de pus in practica.
Excelent, programul functioneaza super iar instructiunile sunt foarte usor de urmarit.
Servicii de nota 10! *****
Am primit asistenta telefonica si de la distanta si totul s-a rezolvat in 7 minute!
Bravo echipei! Sunteti cei mai tari!
They have taken care of me since the first email I sent them, they have removed any doubt I had. They have been very professional. For my part, as a 100% satisfied customer, I absolutely recommend their services. By the way, the program to reset my printer 100% PERFECT.
They will count on me for more services that you have.
They have my mail for whatever they want to send me.
A greeting…
Thank you so much…..
Servicii de nota 10. Promt si la obiect, fara alte discutii inutile. Am facut plata online si in cateva ore am primit soft-ul si toata documentatia necesara plus suport tehnic prin telefon daca este cazul, nu a fost. Felicitare echipa eRESET!
Un servicio impecable, solucionaron el problema en unas 2 horas sin ningun contratiempo despues de estar buscando por todos lados. Muchas gracias, extremadamente recomendable
Excelente servicio. 100% seguro.-
tanks to saving all the money and time.
Personne de confiance, vous pouvez y aller. Pour 13eur, j’ai pu continuer à imprimer alors que Samsung bloquait mon imprimante à cause de l’imagerie arrivé à bout de course. En plus, pour ce prix, j’ai eu un support impeccable qui m’a aider pour l’installation. Je recommande ce site.
(ENGLISH)I just did it. It works perfectly! The blocking of my imagery has been canceled and I could continue to print. Tip: print a configuration report before you can not print. It was my case, but I had access to the support via Ultaviewer … it saved me!
First time I was a little shy to use the eReset firmawre. I paid, I download it, and I tried to update the firmware. Unfortunately my printer image file died. I was not able to do nothing. I carried it to an official service. They told me it will cost 100 Euro to repair it, because it has to change the mother board. So brought it home, and the eReset fix my problem under 40 minutes. It was perfect service. My printer is working as well.
Many thanks for eReset!
I recommend them for everybody.
Kindly regards,
foarte OK.
Samsung c480w. El proceso tardó 3 minutos. Se acabó comprar toner del fabricante. Es genial. Recomendable 100 x 100. Muchas gracias!!
Recomand cu multa incredere. Foarte promti.
Pe langa softul platit pt o imprimanta m2070w, baietii mi-au livrat gratis si un soft pt o alta imprimanta,scx3400,care aveam probleme cu scanerul. Din pacate are placa ceva defect.
Recomand.Foarte promti.In mai putin de o ora am rezolvat problema cipului.Am platit on line,am primit softul si a mers fara probleme.
Rápido y efectivo, me funcionó para una samsung m2022w, ahora puedo usar los cartuchos „vacios” y compatibles. Tardé 5 minutos en hacerlo
El reset funcionó correctamente. Gracias!